
Do you know what sales really do with your leads?

Almost half of B2B marketers say their top challenge is making sure their sales teams follow-up and convert the leads they create.

In this exclusive research, carried out by B2B Marketing in association with Cyance, we reveal B2B marketers’ biggest hurdles and frustrations with the way sales deal with the leads they’re sent – and how to overcome them.

Download this free study to find out:

  • Why leads not being followed up promptly is the number one concern for B2B marketers
  • The reason why almost half of marketers still send leads straight to sales without scoring them
  • The average time it takes sales to follow up on qualified leads send by sales
  • How many organisations are still operating without definition of what makes a qualified lead
  • How predictive marketing can tackle many of the frustrations marketers have around lead management.

Find out more and download the report here.