Fitness Equipment

Missing your workouts during lockdown?

4th Dimension are delighted to announce that we have teamed up with Purchase It Home Fitness to be able to offer a 20% discount for all your fitness and nutrition needs straight to your door.

Simply log on to find your fitness needs and put in the 20% discount code PITCOPSEY20 at the checkout (for purchases over £50).

With us coming to the end of the week 5 of lockdown in UK due to the Coronavirus, many people are missing their visits to the gym during our social distancing rules.

For many of us going to the gym, is not only exercise but it is also the place we meet friends, it’s a place to turn off for an hour and a chance to release our stresses and frustrations from the world.

So, how do we cope during these times, when we don’t have access to gyms and fitness centres?

Personal trainers and instructors have been offering online workouts, which gives us the chance to connect with those that we would have been working out with in a virtual class or logging in later, when you’ve finished the “day in the office”.

In these unprecedented times, it’s a different way of working out for us, but it gives the opportunity to keep fit and interact with others in a different way.

It’s often more difficult to remain focused on these classes, as we’re used to having the instructor keeping the class motivated, having a friend to train along with and enjoy some social interaction.

With this in mind it’s a good idea to try and schedule your workout with a friend, whether this be online if you are self-isolating or if you’re able to go outside for your allowed hour on a social distancing run, cycle or even a gentle walk, to keep our bodies active during these times.

There are many solutions that we can use at home from the cheapest solution of an exercise mat and some dumbbells, right up to cycle machines or multi-gyms.

So check out Purchase It Home Fitness and take advantage of a 20% discount on us !

For all your fitness and nutrition needs straight to your door simply log on to find your fitness needs and put in the 20% discount code PITCOPSEY20 at the checkout (for purchases over £50).