

Back to reality and importance of teamwork

For many of us 2020 was certainly a very different year with our work / life balances having to adapt to our ever-changing rules and regulations of our “new normal.”

When we were all advised to work from home in February, and then many of us taking on home-schooling too, we hadto adjust to a different way of working very quickly, to ensure that our IT facilities and conference calling facilities were all updated.

Some of us may have found that we have actually been more productive from home, being able to concentrate without those “water-machine” conversations. However, this lack of contact with our colleagues and teamwork can also affect our ability to be creative, and potentially our mental health too.

There are simple ways that we can sane during all of this turbulence. By taking our daily exercise, this is not only great for our health but our mental state too. (

With our working colleagues and clients, it’s good check in to see how they are doing on a regular basis. By setting specific tasks, objectives and tasks for your team this enables them to feel their worth in this particularly difficult and unprecedented time. (

However, be aware of “Zoom fatigue” (there are other conference facilities available…)

This really is a thing! When we meet people in person, we are able process information using our peripheral vision, to glance out the window or to look around the room, but with video conferencing we have a “constant gaze”, which can make us tired and feels awkward. Ways to reduce this are avoid multitasking, take breaks, reduce online stimuli, switch to email or pick up the phone. (

So, will working from home be our new normal? It seems that many employers are looking to adapt to hybrid type of working. With the vaccine being delivered over the coming months, but social distancing still very much part of our society at the moment and with the many of us still nervous about going back to offices to mix with others, this hybrid working could be our best solution. (

So, to conclude, make sure your plan your week and month, every hour, every day. Set yourself goals, both professionally and personally. Give yourself breaks from the screen and for exercise. And most of all take care of yourself, your loved ones and keep safe!

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By Jenny Sjollema – Director Fourth Dimension Executive Assistant